Free! - Mini-review and competition of ASP.NET for Flash

Ryan has set up a dedicated support site to accompany his book at

If you’re a reasonably experienced Flash user who has mastered the basics but wants to empower your SWFs, taking them further toward rich Internet applications, then you’ve come to the right place! Foundation ASP.NET for Flash will teach you everything you need to know to integrate two of the most exciting technologies used on the Web today.


In this book, you’ll learn how to:

  • Learn the basics of the C# programming language and ASP.NET 2.0.
  • Use Visual Studio .NET to create powerful ASP.NET applications that integrate with Flash.
  • Create web services in ASP.NET and utilize these services with Flash.
  • Use ASP.NET to access and manipulate data from Access and SQL Server databases.
  • Set up and use Flash Remoting to communicate between Flash and ASP.NET.

      Using Flash and ASP.NET, it’s possible to utilize the amazing user interface capabilities of Flash along with the extensive power of ASP.NET to create dynamic, data-driven web applications. In this book, advanced topics are made easy by providing intuitive step-by-step examples.

      Author Ryan Moore starts by briefly introducing you to the topic, and then provides a detailed primer on ASP.NET and C#. After that, essential areas are given the full treatment, including FlashVars, LoadVars, ASP.NET objects, XML, Access and SQL Server databases, web services, Flash Remoting, sessions, and security. By the end of the book, you’ll have built some amazing applications, such as a Google web service interface, an e-commerce site, and a video weblog.

      This book covers Flash MX 2004 and Flash 8, ASP.NET 2.0, Visual Studio 2005, and Access and SQL Server 2005. It is an essential part of any Flash or ASP.NET web developer’s arsenal.


      Who is this book for?

      Unlike the other Foundation books, this book assumes that you are an experienced developer. It is written for intermediate or advanced Flash developers with at least basic knowledge of ASP.NET. The book uses the C# programming language.


      The author takes you from a brief introduction of ASP.NET, C# and Flash to advanced Flash Interaction and Flash remoting. The book uses clear, quality tutorials and is full of quality content. The book would be even better if it contained more information on combining ASP.NET, Flash and MySQL which would allow the reader to get the most of the powerful combination of technologies. All in all, if you want to push your Flash knowledge to new heights and if you want to combine it with the ASP.NET platform then this book is for you as it is one of the best Flash/ASP.NET books on the market.


      The friendly people of Friends of ED are giving away 5 books. All you need to do, to enter the competition is; download the extract (press read more and then download sample PDF on your right)and answer the following question:

      • Where are code-behind files used for in ASP.NET?

      Send your answer to this e-mail address, before Thursday the 27th of April 2006. Don't forget to include your post address and phone number (required for international shipping) in the e-mail.

      Good Luck!


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