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Thievery Again

August 10, 2001 by sam am
shame on him!
Sad as fook!
August 11, 2001 by Christopher Owens

It really gets to me when ppl think they can get away with crap like this!

I believe naming and shaming is the only way to go!

Well done FLZone!

Very Sad
August 11, 2001 by Ed DeLima

This just goes to show how sad some people can be that they can't even give credit where credit is due. Shame on him, his home, his children, their children and their children's children. (You get the idea)

People put countless hours into making their work shine. All he has done is put his name on it. I hope that this does not discourage those who have done great work and put out great products.

He should be publicly flogged. Oh, wait. That's what we're doing here! I hope everyone finds out what kind of a rip off he is.


site is down
August 12, 2001 by George Petrov
his site is already down now - and he is offering public apology. We will see how far it goes ...
He got taken down
August 13, 2001 by don carnage
I went to see this site for myself.  It is now down and he is offering public apologies.  Is that enough?  I don't think so.... I busted my balls to make my own extension, and it took me a good few days to package the thing to Macromedias standards.  I never saw what this guy was doing, but it sounds like he was rebundling others work and calling it his own.  I think he deserves a good ole dirt kicking.... These extensions are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Cheers to you out there that continue to develop and post their extensions for free....!
Lazy scumm
August 14, 2001 by Dave Joosten
The only thing we can do is ban them from touching a computer again .. but sighh that's a dream i guess .. If someone makes something for free, it's cause this person still wants to share his great efforts with other people, not with the entention that some lazy scumm will steal his code with perpose of selling it. I big slam towards those cheap headed people! Hope we will still see those free extensions from honest hard working fellows out there, tumbs up for them!
Site back up
October 20, 2001 by Lisa Yoshisato
Just read the post for the first time and went to check it out and it is up.
RE: Site back up
October 20, 2001 by Waldo Smeets
It's ok now. They apologized and removed everything before they went live again.